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Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Fu
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Curriculum Vitae
I am a Chair Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Goettingen and leading the Computer Networks Group. I received my bachelor (1994) and master (with distinction, 1997) degrees from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, and my Ph.D. (2000) degree in Computer Science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (supervisor: Professor Yaoxue Zhang). Prior to joining Goettingen, I worked with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adam Wolisz as a research fellow at the Telecommunications Networks (TKN) group, Technical University Berlin until September 2002. Between 2003 and 2005 I also served in the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) as an Expert in Specialist Task Forces in Internet Protocol (Version 6) Testing. I was/am a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge (host: Prof. Jon Crowcroft, in 2005 and 2007), Nanjing University (hosts: Prof. Wenzhong Li and Prof. Sanglu Lu, since 2014), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (host: Prof. Jiannong Cao, in 2015), UPMC/Sorbanne University (host: Prof. Stefano Secci, in 2014 and 2016), University of Oregon (host: Prof. Jun Li, in 2020) and University of Sydney (host: Prof. Branka Vucetic, since 2022), a DAAD visiting professor at Columbia University (host: Prof. Henning Schulzrinne, in 2008 and 2009), Uppsala University (host: Prof. Edith Ngai, in 2014 and 2015), Victoria University (host: Prof. Hua Wang and Prof. Yanchun Zhang, in 2018 and 2019), Deakin University (host: Prof. Jianxin Li, in 2023 and 2024) and Hong Kong Baptist University (host: Prof. Yupeng Li, in 2023 and 2024), a Fulbright Scholar Visiting Professor at UCLA (hosts: Prof. Lixia Zhang and Prof. Mario Gerla, in academic year 2009/2010), and a ChangJiang Scholar Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University. I served as Secretary (2008-2010) and Vice Chair (2010-2012) of the Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), and as Chair (2011-2013) of the Internet Technical Committee of the IEEE ComSoc and Internet Society (ISOC). I am a fellow and distinguished lecturer of IEEE, a fellow of IET and Academia Europaea, a distinguished member of ACM and a member of GI.