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Social Networks

We have the following subprojects currently ongoing at Goettingen:

  1. Big data analysis for corporate decisions (in collaboration with Tsinghua University/Prof. Luo) 
  2. Goose - Starting your social networks on the mobile phone for volunteer-based large scale human mobility measurement (in collaboration with T-Labs/Dr. P. Hui and Nanjing University/Prof. S. Lu, Prof. Z. Wu and Dr. W. Li)
  3. Cuckoo - Decentralized socio-aware online microblogging (in collaboration with UCSB/Prof. B. Zhao)
  4. GEMSTONE - A generic middleware for social networks (in collaboration with University of Oregon)
  5. LENS - LEveraging social Networking and trust to prevent Spam transmission (in collaboration with T-Labs and University of Cambridge)
  6. Complex systems and network analysis on human dynamic social networks (in collaboration with Dr. Jan Nagler, MPI-DS)
  7. Sociopsychological analysis of opinion leaderships in online communities (in collaboration with Prof. M. Boos, Department of Psychology, University of Goettingen)
  8. Understanding Guanxi and trust in online and offline interacted communications (in collaboration with Prof. X. Zhai and Prof. J. Luo from Sociology Departments from Nanjing University and Tsinghua University, as well as Prof. D. Hogrefe from University of Goettingen).

Goettingen Social Networks Colloquium and Seminar Series:
In the scope of this project, together with other colleagues at Goettingen we are co-organizing the Social Networks Colloquium Series (starting from Summer Semester 2011) and a Social Network Seminar:

  1. Prof. Dah Ming Chiu (Chinese University of Hong Kong): "Mining the academic social network", May 2015
  2. Prof. Lin Zhang (BUPT, China): Cooperative Adaptive Streaming and Crowdtesting Application-Based QoE in Mobile Cloud Environments, Feb 2015
  3. Prof. Lei Li (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China): talk 1: UGC Quality Evaluation in Social Networks, talk 2: Multilingual Multi-document Summarization (MMS), Feb 2015
  4. Michael Natusch (Pivotal, Berlin): "Data Science in Practice", Jan 2015
  5. Prof. Junyu Niu (Fudan University, China): “Government Performance Management and Informatization”, Aug 2014
  6. Dr. Alessandra Sala (Bell Labs Ireland), “Inferring application performance regardless data completeness”, July 2014
  7. Assist. Prof. Mo Li (National Technological University, Singapore), “Ambient Sensing and Intelligence”,  Apr 2014
  8. Prof. Jyun-Cheng Wang (National Tsinghua Hua Univ, Taiwan): “How Social Information Influences Decision Making”, May 2013
  9. Prof. JarDer Luo (Tsinghua University, Beijing), “Why Do Chinese Venture Capitals Invest Jointly? - An Analysis of Complex Investment Network”,  May 2013
  10. Prof. Piet van Mieghem (TU Delft, the Netherlands), “Epidemic modeling on networks with applications to network robustness against malware spread and to information dissemination in social networks”, Feb 2013
  11. Galen Wilkerson (Northeastern University, Boston, USA and TU  Berlin, Germany): Sustainability, Complex Systems, and Computer Science:  The Perfect Fit of Powerful tools to Planetary-Scale (Energy/Pollution) Problems? Feb 2013
  12. Lianghao Dai  (Dept of Sociology, Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China): “Homosexual Networks”, Feb 2013
  13. Dr. Jan Nagler (MPI-DS), Dynamics and Self-Organization Aspects of Social Networks: The Physics Backbone of Network Science - Networks, Structure, Function, Percolation, Dec 2012
  14. Prof. Magarete Boos (Institute of Psychology, University of Goettingen): Psychological Perspectives on Social Networks: Cognitive Maps, Nov 2012
  15. Dr. Kerstin Denecke (University Medical Center, University of Goettingen): Social Networks and Epidemiology, Nov 2012
  16. Prof. Christian Stegbauer (Dept of Sociology, University of Frankfurt): Cooperation in Wikipedia, Nov 2012.
  17. Prof. Wenzhong Li (Nanjing University, China): Online Social Networks and Online Social Networks Analysis: Technology, Problems, Challenges, Methods, Nov 2012.
  18. Prof. Karin Kurz (Dept of Sociology, University of Goettingen): Introduction to Social Networks and Social Networks Analysis: Sociology, History, Methods, Nov 2012.
  19. Prof. Chris Kruegel (UCSB, USA), “Automated Malware Analysis”, May 2012
  20. Prof. Jie Tang (Dept of Computer Science, Tsinghua Univ., China), “Social Influence Analysis in Large Social Networks”, Dec 2012
  21. Dr. Nan Zheng (Center for Public Health Research, School of Medicine, Nanjing University, China): MSM behavior network and its public health significance in China, Dec 2011
  22. Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou (Department of Computer Science, Nanjing University, China): Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Multiple Views, Sept 2011
  23. Dr. Jan Nagler (MPI for Dynamics and Selforganization / Faculty of Physics, University of Goettingen): Is Human Dynamics Ultra-Bursty? June 2011 
  24. Prof. Margarete Boos (Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute for Psychology, University of Goettingen): Coordination in Group Movements: Ideal Patterns, June 2011

Other social networks related events and talks at University of Göttingen:

Professor Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Konstanz): Social Preferences and Self Control.
July 7, 2011, 14:00 – 15:30
Games – a report on open access publishing.
July 7, 2011, 17:00 – 18:30 Location: Faculty of Economic Sciences, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3 (Oeconomicum), Room 0.211


    Some events related to social networks research:

    Related links:

    Project Partners: 
    University of Goettingen (Computer Science, Medical School, Courant Research Centre Evolution of Social Behaviour), MPI for Dynamics and Self-organization, Nanjing University, Tsinghua University, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories/TU Berlin, University of Cambridge, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Oregon University, ParisTech.
    Publications of this project: : 
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