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Dr. Sripriya Srikant Adhatarao

I am a final year Ph.D student in Computer Networks Group. I received my Bachelor degree in Computer Science from VTU, India. I worked for 3 years as a Software Engineer in Tech Mahindra LTD for British Telecom. I received M.Sc. in Computer Science in 2015 from the Institut für Informatik of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. from 2016 in Information Centric Networking from the Computer Networks Group. My areas of interest include: ICN, Mobility, Naming, Edge, Video streaming, Machine learning, etc.

Bo Zhao

I'm a third year PhD researcher and member of Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen led by Prof. Ramin Yahyapour and Computer Networks Group led by Prof. Xiaoming Fu. I hold Master (2014) and Bachelor (2011) degrees from National Digital Switching System Engineering& Research Center(China) and Tsinghua University respectively. I'm interested in consumer behavior analysis and prediction related problems. In addition, I also have interests in high performance computing, especially the combination of HPC and big data processing.
