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Yuan, T., W. Wang, L. Mi, H. Dai, and X. Fu, "AccDecoder: Accelerated Decoding for Neural-enhanced Video Analytics", IEEE INFOCOM 2023, New York, USA, 05/2023.
Mi, L., T. Yuan, W. Wang, H. Dai, L. Sun, J. Zheng, G. Chen, and X. Fu, "Accelerated Neural Enhancement for Video Analytics With Video Quality Adaptation", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 3045-3060, 08/2024.
Kulkarni, S. G., G. Liu, K.. K. Ramakrishnan, M. Arumaithurai, T. Wood, and X. Fu, "Achieving Efficient Failure Resiliency for Network Function Virtualization based Services", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. 639-652, 04/2020.
Li, R., K. Matsuzono, H. Asaeda, and X. Fu, "Achieving High Throughput for Heterogeneous Networks with Consecutive Caching and Adaptive Retrieval", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 7, issue 4, 07/2020.
Yuan*, Y., S. Srikant Adhatarao*, M. Lin, Y. Yuan, Z. Liu, and X. Fu, "ADA: Adaptive Deep Log Anomaly Detector", IEEE INFOCOM 2020, 07/2020.
Gao, Y., S. Yang, F. Li, and X. Fu, "Adaptive and Efficient Qubit Allocation Using Reinforcement Learning in Quantum Networks", IEEE Network, vol. 36, issue 5, pp. 48-54, 09/2022.
Yuan, Y., C. Liang, M. Kaneko, L. Pu, and X. Fu, "Adaptive Fuzzy Game-based Energy Efficient Localization in Underwater Sensor Networks", ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Poster Session, Beijing, China, ACM, 08/2019.
He, N., S. Yang, F. Li, S. Trajanovski, F. A. Kuipers, and X. Fu, "A-DDPG: Attention Mechanism-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for NFV", The 29th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2021), 06/2021.
Zhang, D., Y. Zhou, X. Lan, Y. Zhang, and X. Fu, "AHT: Application-Based Handover Triggering for Saving Energy in Cellular Networks", 15th Annual {IEEE} International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking, {SECON} 2018, Hong Kong, China, June 11-13, 2018: {IEEE}, pp. 91–99, 2018.
Gao, X., J-. Der Luo, H. Chen, Y. Zhen, J. Zhang, and X. Fu, "Alleviating Educational Inequality in Math with the Aid of Online Shadow Education - The impact of equal access and equal quality mechanisms", Education and Information Technologies, vol. 29, issue 9, pp. 10571-10593, 06/2024.
Manner, J., and X. Fu, "Analysis of Existing Quality-of-Service Signaling Protocols", {RFC}, vol. 4094, pp. 1–45, 2005.
Xu, T., B. Ye, Q. Wang, W. Li, S. Lu, and X. Fu, "APEX: A personalization framework to improve quality of experience for DVD-like functions in P2P VoD applications", 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service, IWQoS 2010, Beijing, China, 16-18 June 2010.: {IEEE}, pp. 1–9, 2010.
Neumann, N., X. Fu, and G. Zhang, "ARA: A Routing and Forwarding Scheme for Coordinated Wide Area Mobility", Proceedings of {IEEE} International Conference on Communications, {ICC} 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, 23-27 May 2010: {IEEE}, pp. 1–6, 2010.
Tao, N., X. Chen, and X. Fu, "AS path inference: From complex network perspective", Proceedings of the 14th {IFIP} Networking Conference, Networking 2015, Toulouse, France, 20-22 May, 2015: {IEEE}, pp. 1–9, 2015.
Malik, A., X. Xiao, R. Khalili, M. Arumaithurai, X. Fu, Z. Despotovic, and A. Hecker, "Autonomous Edge Resource Organization with Smallcell Integration in 5G", 2018 {IEEE} International Conference on Communications Workshops, {ICC} Workshops 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018, 2018.