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"XOR Rescue: Exploiting Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Networks",
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"Will Triadic Closure Strengthen Ties in Social Networks?",
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"VSiM: Joint Optimization of QoE and Fairness for Adaptive Video Streaming in Heterogeneous Mobile Environments",
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"VSiM: Improving QoE Fairness for Video Streaming in Mobile Environments",
IEEE INFOCOM 2022, 05/2022.
"VIRO: A virtual routing method for eliminating dead end in Opportunistic Mobile Social Network",
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"A Verifiable and Flexible Data Sharing mechanism for Information-Centric IoT",
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"VDR: A Virtual Domain-Based Routing Scheme for CCN",
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"Understanding Housing Market Behaviour from a Microscopic Perspective",
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"Twittering by cuckoo: decentralized and socio-aware online microblogging services",
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"Trajectory Recovery From Ash: User Privacy Is NOT Preserved in Aggregated Mobility Data",
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"Thank You For Being A Friend: An Attacker View on Online-Social-Network-Based Sybil Defenses",
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